Register of construction merchants

Invoices for the state fee for including the annual information for 2023 in the Register of Construction Merchants are available in the BIS legal entity profile under the "Invoices" section. If you have any questions, please contact the Register of Construction Merchants via email: or by phone +371 62004010 (press key 3).

Building Information System

The information was translated using the ChatGPT service. 

The Building Information System (BIS) is an electronic environment that facilitates information exchange among participants in the construction process, maintaining the necessary registers for the construction process, and providing e-services related to the construction process and registers.

Furthermore, BIS also offers a unified platform for property managers and owners within the framework of the Maintenance and Home Affairs section. This includes the capability to consolidate property management documentation, organize resident meetings and surveys electronically, submit and process inspection applications, and more.

BIS consists of several modules:

  • BISP – the public portal, consisting of two sections - the public part and personalized BIS workplaces for authorized users. The public part of BIS contains information on current developments in construction, registered information, and statistics. Authorized users have the opportunity to access e-services, such as submitting requests and applications electronically.
  • BIS1 – the BIS section where all BIS registers are administered.
  • BIS2 - the BIS section where employees of building authorities, institutions performing building control functions, supervisory institutions, institutions coordinating construction documentation, and technical regulation issuers operate with assigned authorization rights.
  • ADM – the BIS section where employees of the Construction State Control administer BIS, assign user rights, etc.
  • BIS mobile - Since 2022, the BIS application "BIS mobile" is also available (available on both the App Store and Google Play). It serves as a support tool for BIS users, facilitating more efficient information exchange between parties involved in the construction and maintenance processes. It offers the ability to receive notifications on mobile devices, view received authorizations and delegations, as well as report detected violations by submitting complaints.

To ensure the operation of BIS, 11 registers are maintained, and data exchange has been established with more than 20 other state information systems. The maintenance and development of BIS are overseen by the State Construction Control Bureau.

BIS User Support and Training

For the needs of BIS users, the BIS support service is in operation, providing user consultations both by phone and electronically. Frequently asked questions are regularly compiled for user convenience, along with provided answers. More information and resources are available in the "How to Get Help?" section.

To inform and educate BIS users, informational webinars are regularly organized – training sessions where users are introduced to the latest developments, implemented functionality, corrections made in the system after changes in regulatory acts, and answers to frequently asked questions are provided. All webinars are recorded, and a presentation is attached. Starting from 2022, timestamps are added to video recordings for quicker and more convenient reference.


BIS Development

BIS is continuously improved, with the development of new functionality as a result of the digitalization of processes and services, as well as adjustments made in response to changes in regulatory acts. The most significant advancements in BIS have occurred within the framework of projects co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund - in the completed Phase 1 project and the Phase 2 project. In addition to project activities, daily system maintenance and development initiatives are carried out using allocated budget resources, based on user suggestions and applications.

BIS development measures are implemented in close collaboration with representatives from the construction industry. Regular working groups are organized, inviting all stakeholders affected by the specific development area to participate and provide their opinions on planned developments.


Page refreshed on 2024-04-18