BIS terms of use


1. Electronic Service - a service whose mode of provision ensures the execution of the entire service or individual stages remotely (non-face-to-face), using information technology and communication tools.

2. BIS - State information system Building Information System, which includes the necessary data for the construction process and its control, and aims to ensure data storage and circulation between public administration institutions, control institutions, construction participants, as well as promote public involvement in the construction process.

3. User - any person who, in accordance with these regulations, uses BIS.

4. BIS Internal System - a section of BIS where employees of building boards, institutions performing the functions of building boards, controlling institutions, institutions coordinating construction documentation, and technical regulations issuers operate with assigned authorization rights.

5. BIS Portal - BIS website, consisting of two sections: the public part and the personalized BIS workplace for authorized Users. The public part of BIS provides information on construction news, registered information, and statistics. Authorized Users can electronically submit requests and applications.

6. User Profile - a personalized workplace created by an authorized person containing the User's identification and personalized information for work in BIS. Information is available only to each User about themselves and only after authentication by BIS and approval of the BIS usage rules.

7. Chatroom - a communication channel available to authorized Users, providing the opportunity to start a conversation and send files between individuals involved in the respective construction process.

8. BIS Supervisor - State Construction Control Bureau, which organizes and manages the operation of BIS in accordance with the procedures established in regulatory enactments.

9. Personal data - in the understanding of these regulations, any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.


10. Users of BIS can authenticate using the State Regional Development Agency's Valsts informācijas sistēmu savietotāja (VISS) shared authentication module ( or the username and password assigned by BIS Supervisor.

11. The scope of information and electronic services available to Users may vary depending on the User's status (construction initiator, construction project developer, construction worker, author's supervision performer, construction supervision performer or construction expertise performer, building manager, independent expert in the field of building energy efficiency, or an employee of a construction control or supervisory authority, etc.).

12. Within the framework of an initiated electronic service, changes made in other state information system data after the initiation of the electronic service may not be available. These changes will be available in the next use of the electronic service.

13. These regulations establish the rules and restrictions for the use of BIS and the information available therein and are binding on all Users who have authenticated into BIS. The BIS Supervisor may, at any time at their discretion, change the content of these regulations. Changes take effect when they are published in the public part of BIS.


14. User obligations:

14.1. Provide and update their contact information in BIS, as well as verify their email;

14.2. Use the information available in BIS only for the purposes of the electronic service for which it is requested;

14.3. Not engage in any actions that endanger or may endanger the security of BIS;

14.4. Not engage in offensive, abusive, and unlawful actions, and avoid using uncensored language in BIS;

14.5. Not disclose their user credentials to third parties; User credentials may only be used by the specific User;

14.6. Not perform unauthorized copying of data, BIS, or its parts. All actions that do not use authorized, visible on the screen commands, or are performed automatically without human involvement in the information request formulation process (using any kind of specially created programs or scripts) are considered unauthorized, regardless of the purpose of these actions;

14.7. Immediately, using the available functionality of BIS, report to the BIS Supervisor any suspicions or facts related to the violation of these BIS usage rules, unauthorized use of the information system, any unauthorized use of software, alteration, or copyright infringement that relates to or may affect BIS.

15. The User is responsible for all their actions in BIS, including all actions performed by third parties in BIS if these individuals access BIS using the User's access data, which they have obtained with the User's permission, or as a result of the User's negligence.

16. When using BIS and the information available therein on personal data, the User undertakes to comply with the Personal Data Protection Law, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the requirements of the Information Disclosure Law.

17. The User has the right, using the available functionality of BIS, to ask the BIS Supervisor questions about the use of BIS or to file complaints about identified errors in BIS and the unavailability of BIS.

18. When using the Chat, the User:

18.1. Is fully responsible for any information and content that they post or upload to the Chat or send to other Users, as well as for the consequences that arise from the posting, uploading, and sending of such information or content;

18.2. Acknowledges that the information and content sent in Chat conversations are not deleted and may be disclosed in accordance with the procedure established by law for the realization of legitimate interests.

19. It is prohibited to post and send content in the Chat that:

19.1. Infringes or violates the intellectual property rights of third parties;

19.2. Harms the honor or dignity of individuals;

19.3. Encourages hatred, violence, or other unlawful actions and inaction;

19.4. Contains viruses or is created to damage the operation and security of computers, smart devices, electronic communications, or software;

19.5. Is advertising or spam and, in general, does not relate to the subject of BIS, within which the Chat conversation is created.


20. The BIS Supervisor ensures the User's access to the Portal using the State Regional Development Agency's Valsts informācijas sistēmu savietotāja (VISS) shared authentication module ( or the username and password assigned by the BIS Supervisor.

21. The BIS Supervisor provides and coordinates responses to the User's questions or complaints about identified errors in BIS and the unavailability of BIS.

22. Using the public part of the BIS portal, the BIS Supervisor informs the User about BIS news and planned interruptions in BIS operations.

23. The BIS Supervisor has the right:

23.1. To block the User's access to BIS at any time if violations of these BIS usage rules or regulatory enactments are detected;

23.2. To process personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the procedure established in the Information Disclosure Law.


24. All disputes related to these BIS usage rules arising between the BIS Supervisor and the User are resolved through mutual negotiations. If disputes cannot be resolved through negotiations, they are resolved in accordance with the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia.

The BIS usage rules were approved by the decision No.1-1.9/2023/1 of the Director of the State Construction Control Bureau on April 4, 2023.

The information was translated using the ChatGPT service. 

Page refreshed on 2025-02-28