Mājas lieta

Daudzdzīvokļu mājas dzīvokļa īpašnieka kontaktinformācijas norādīšana BIS mājas lietā: īpašnieks autorizējas www.bis.gov.lv >> izvēlas sadaļu “Mana darba vieta“ >> “Māju lietas” >> “Īpašnieka lietas” >> atver sadaļu “Īpašnieki” >> nospiež pogu “Mana kontaktinformācija”.

Mani dati BIS
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Ekspluatācijas lietas
Māju lietas
BIS reģistri


What should a non-resident do to submit an application in the BIS or Construction Information System?

There are two options for a foreigner or a person who is not registered in the Register of Natural Persons Services provided by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (hereinafter - non-resident), in the Construction Information System (hereinafter - BIS) to start construction or to continue the construction process, for example, to fill in the application for the fulfillment of the conditions for starting construction works.

First option: Authorize or delegate a trusted person through the competent building authority. In this case, you will not be able to follow the construction process in BIS as a construction initiator.

A non-resident applies to the competent building authority with a request to register a power of attorney (with all rights and with the right to authorize, including the right to represent a person as a construction initiator) to a trusted person who has access to BIS, who will perform activities in BIS on your behalf. For example, if the construction is planned in Riga, then a non-resident should contact the City Development Department of the Riga State City Municipality (call center phone number + 371 67105800 or e-mail address ).

If the initiator of the construction is a legal entity, then the non-resident (the person entitled to sign) applies to the construction authority with a request to register a BIS delegation (not a power of attorney), where the delegator is a legal person (registration number of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia) and the delegate is a non-resident (ID assigned by the person entitled to sign). After confirmation of the delegation, BIS provides an opportunity for the system’s user to switch to the profile of a legal entity.

Option two: Get access to BIS and operate on your own. In this case you will be able to follow the construction process in BIS as a construction initiator, create authorizations, etc.

A non-resident applies to the competent building authority with a request to register you in the Register of foreigners in BIS. For example, if the construction is planned in Riga, then a non-resident (a person entitled to sign) should contact the City Development Department of the Riga State City Municipality (call center phone number + 371 67105800 or e-mail address ).

Data to be submitted to the building authority for the registration of a non-resident:

  • first name;
  • surname;
  • place of birth;
  • date of birth;
  • country of birth;
  • place of residence;
  • citizenship;
  • username (e-mail address);
  • phone number.

+ Registration number of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, if the initiator of the construction is a legal entity:

After registration, a non-resident is assigned an ID (personal identification code) and access details: a username (e-mail address) and a temporary password, which the user changes after connecting to BIS.

And finally, Email address verification is necessary to receive notifications, e-mails and documentation form BIS.