Accessibility notice

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State Construction Control Bureau, in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 445 of 14 July 2020 "Procedures for Placing Information on the Internet" (hereinafter - Regulations No. 445), undertakes to make its website accessible.

This accessibility statement applies to the Building Information System website

A simplified evaluation has been performed for the website. The method used is based on the guidelines prepared by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (VARAM) for assessing compliance with accessibility requirements and justifying disproportionate burden.

How accessible is this website?

The Building Information System website complies with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 445 but the are areas that could be improved:

  • Keyboard access and visual focus - the visual focus is not sufficiently pronounced and keyboard access needs to be improved
  • Textual alternative for images - not all images have an added alternative text or the description does not comply with best practice examples
  • Headings - only some of the content on the homepage has defined headings, while there are no defined headings for an authorized user in the Public portal of the Building Information System
  • Alternative for multimedia (audio, video) content - no alternative content is provided for the published Building Information System webinar recordings.

This website was last evaluated on 19.02.2024. The evaluation was conducted by Agnese Goba, the Service Manager of the Building Information System Development Department of the Information Systems Department.

Document certifying the evaluation: Accessibility evaluation protocol form (available only in Latvian language).

Accessibility alternatives

To receive content that is currently inaccessible in a different format, we offer the following alternatives.

  • Images are mainly used for visualizing content or as decorative icons. Unique content in images is not published. In exceptional cases (infographics), information is also duplicated in text format.
  • In 2024, an evaluation is planned to provide subtitles for video recordings. For now, for an alternative to video content, we recommend using the Building Information Handbook in HTML format:

Feedback and Communication

We continuously strive to improve the accessibility of this website - in 2024, it is planned to address the identified shortcomings regarding heading definitions for the BIS homepage and the Public portal's content, as well as to review the TAB key navigation.

If you encounter any problems or shortcomings not mentioned in this statement or if you wish to receive the inaccessible content in a different format, please contact us:


Call: +371 67013379

BIS Support Service: Email:

Phone: +371 62004010

We will review your request and provide a response within 30 days.

Submitting a Complaint

Information Systems Department


Phone: +371 67013302

If we have not adequately responded to your request or complaint regarding the website's content accessibility, you have the option to submit a complaint to the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia:

Ombudsman's Office: Baznīcas iela 25, Riga, LV-1010

Phone: +37167686768


Information about the preparation of the statement

This statement was first prepared on 24.09.2020. and reviewed again on 19.02.2024.

This statement was approved by the Director of the Building State Control Bureau, Svetlana Mjakuškina (20.02.2024. Nr.1-7.4/2024/81).

Page refreshed on 2025-02-28