2025-03-29 10:00-18:00 The "Dzīvo siltāk" stand at the "Māja I 2025" exhibition.
During the exhibition, visitors to the Energy Efficiency Quarter will have the opportunity to receive individual consultations from experts representing various institutions and organizations. Consultations will be provided by representatives from the Ministry of Economics, Riga Energy Agency, Ministry of Climate and Energy, Consumer Rights Protection Centre, State Construction Control Bureau, Central Finance and Contracting Agency, Latvian Environmental Investment Fund, AS "Sadales tīkls", Elektrum Energy Efficiency Centre, Development Finance Institution Altum, and AS "Rīgas siltums".
Visitors will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from non-governmental organizations in the construction sector, including experts from the Latvian Association of Civil Engineers, Latvian Association of House Managers and Administrators, Latvian Association of Window and Door Manufacturers, Building Materials Manufacturers Association, and Latvian Roofers Association.
Experts from the State Fire and Rescue Service and SIA “Latvijas standarts” will be available on March 27 and 28, while specialists from the State Revenue Service and Vidzeme Planning Region will be present on March 28.
Additionally, the Energy Efficiency Quarter will host stands from SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” and the Riga City Development Department.
- SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” will provide consultations on housing maintenance and building renovation opportunities.
- Riga City Development Department specialists will offer guidance on various construction-related issues and regulations.