Apartment building with reinforced concrete load-bearing structures


To promote the availability of new and modern standard housing, a fully developed project for a multi-apartment residential building is currently available. According to the Ministry of Economics' estimates, the necessary funding for the development of the project for a multi-apartment residential building constitutes 8% of the total construction costs of one such building. This already developed project offers an economically justified, environmentally friendly, and accessible housing option for all social groups.

The developed building project is characterized by:

  • Quality – the use of industrially produced modular constructions, long-lasting, environmentally friendly, and durable materials from local manufacturers, and a developed interior design project, with design carried out using Building Information Modeling (BIM);
  • Efficiency – using modular constructions allows construction work to be completed in a shorter time, as a large part of the construction work is done in a factory rather than on-site;
  • Ergonomics – a comfortable and functional layout;
  • Energy efficiency – the building project meets nearly zero-energy building requirements, with high-efficiency mechanical ventilation with recovery;
  • Accessibility – low operating costs combined with an adequate rental rate.

To learn more: Full standard residential building project (presentation) in Latvian

Standard project download usage terms

Energy Efficiency:

  • According to the project, less effective energy efficiency measures and solutions cannot be determined;
  • Ventilation cannot be omitted despite achieving appropriate energy efficiency indicators;
  • The energy efficiency requirements for windows cannot be reduced.

Environmental Accessibility Requirements:

  • Ensure as wide environmental accessibility as possible, without narrowing the scope defined in the project;
  • Elevators.

Acoustic Indicator Requirements:

  • Cannot be worsened according to what is determined in the project.

Use of Local Materials:

  • Evaluate opportunities, giving preference to materials and construction products produced in Latvia for the implementation of the project.

Information that the house is designed with the support of the Ministry of Economics:

  • Information in a visible place during construction until commissioning, as well as an informative indication near the building during its operation;
  • After the building is commissioned, inform the Ministry of Economics about where the respective project has been implemented in Latvia.

Data Collection Necessary for the Use of the Construction Project:

  • Information available semi-annually about how many project implementers have confirmed that they agree to the conditions related to the use of the standard construction project;
  • Information available semi-annually about the number of views of the published developed project.

To download the standard project, it is necessary to log in to BIS and confirm the Standard Project Download Usage Terms.

Download here: Full standard residential building project (BIM) in Latvian

Download here: Full standard residential building project (documentation) in Latvian

Page refreshed on 2025-02-28