The Unified Electronic Working Time Recording Database (VEDLUDB)

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The Unified Electronic Working Time Recording Database (VEDLUDB) has been developed in accordance with:

-the law "On Taxes and Fees" (hereinafter – the Law);

-the Cabinet of Ministers regulations No. 21 of January 7, 2020, "Procedure for submitting electronic work time tracking system data for inclusion in the unified electronic work time tracking database, and requirements for the external security inspection and audit logs of the electronic work time tracking system."

The VEDLUDB registers construction sites where construction work is carried out for own needs or where a construction contract has been concluded with the construction initiator for the construction of a new third-group building or for construction works costing 170 000 euros or more.

Log in to the Building Information System (BIS) ( using a legal entity profile and select the section "Log in to VEDLUDB".

The VEDLUDB user manual available here

Full technical documentation for the Electronic Work Time Record System (EDLUS) and the VEDLUDB integration solution is available here.

On 19.12.2024, updates were made to VEDLUDB related to data retrieval from the Building Information System (BIS) construction journal. The main construction contractor and subcontractors can retrieve contracts registered in the BIS construction journal with their subcontractors or the initiator, provided a note about transferring the contract to VEDLUDB has been made in the BIS construction journal. For more details about the changes made to VEDLUDB, see the list.

According to the regulations, the Main Contractor is required to submit the following information in electronic data form to be included in the VEDLUDB by the 15th of each month:

  • Information on all construction contracts concluded with their subcontractors in the previous month, including any amendments to these contracts;
  • Information on the individuals employed at the construction site;
  • Information on the amount paid under the contract or a part thereof in the previous month (main contractor’s settlements with their subcontractors);
  • Information on amendments to the contract with the initiator.

The subcontractor's duty is to submit the following information by the 15th of each month, by logging into VEDLUDB:

  • Information on all construction contracts concluded with their subcontractors in the previous month (both with their subcontractors and with the construction initiator);
  • Amendments made to the contracts;
  • Payments made under the concluded construction contracts.


According to Article 144 of the Law, non-compliance with the regulations regarding electronic information recording at construction sites results in a warning or a fine. For example, if the main contractor fails to implement the Electronic Work Time Tracking System (EDLUS) at each construction site, a fine is imposed on the legal entity ranging from 0.1 percent to 5 percent of the construction contract amount, but not exceeding 100 000 euros. The State Revenue Service conducts the administrative violation procedure for the infringements mentioned in Article 144 of the Law.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT VEDLUDB IS AVAILABLE IN THE "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS" SECTION --> BIS1 register system for users --> Unified electronic working time record database (VEDLUDB).


VEDLUDB and BIS REGISTERS: building specialists, building inspectors, building merchants, residential building managers, independent experts, energy performance of buildings and building energy certificates [BIS-1]:
• Report a problem or error, or send a suggestion electronically by logging in to the BIS-1 workplace at:
• Communication by phone: 62004010, press the 3 button
• E-mail:
(please add a description of the problem, screenshots describing the problem and personal contact details with the information sent)

Page refreshed on 2025-03-19