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Additional Funding Allocated for Energy Efficiency Improvement and Solar Panel Installation in Private Homes

Published Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Due to the high interest of private homeowners in support opportunities for energy efficiency enhancement in one and two-apartment residential houses and the introduction of renewable energy technologies, the Cabinet of Ministers decided in its session on May 21 to allocate additional financial resources of EUR 237,000 from the state energy efficiency fund. Consequently, the total funding for the program has been increased to EUR 5,370,000.

The Development Finance Institution ALTUM (Altum) will start accepting applications at the end of this May; the exact date for application submission will be announced separately by Altum.

With the additional funding, approximately 40-45 private homes will be supported to carry out energy efficiency enhancement measures or install new micro-generation electrical energy production technological equipment.

To date, the funding allocated for the support program has been exhausted, hence the Ministry of Economics in collaboration with AS “Development Finance Institution Altum” has devised a solution to extend the program for approximately two more months by redirecting EUR 237,000 received from client repayments within the framework of the individual project "Microcredit Program" under the Latvia-Switzerland cooperation program.

Since May 27, 2021, a total of 1,180 applications have been approved in the renovation and energy efficiency support program for one and two-apartment residential houses.

Analyzing the regional distribution of the support program, it is observed that a significant concentration is seen in the Riga and Pieriga regions, with nearly half of the approved projects in the support program being implemented in this region, while a lower intensity is seen in Latgale.

Analyzing the energy efficiency projects implemented within the support program, it is noted that a significant improvement in the building's energy efficiency class is observed after project implementation. Namely, before the project implementation, the initial home energy class is most often D class (42% of cases) or F class (26% of cases). After project implementation, C energy class is most commonly achieved (71% of cases) or B energy class (20% of cases). Additionally, 9% of completed projects have also achieved A energy class. On average, the projects have achieved a 34% overall savings in thermal energy consumption, and the average heating consumption in the projects has decreased by 43%.

To date, 724 applications for solar panel projects have also been approved within the support program. Most often, the support recipients installed solar panels with an inverter set capacity of 10-11.1 kW.

Additional information about the government-approved amendments to the support program, i.e., amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers' February 11, 2021, regulations No. 103 "Regulations on the Support Program for Renovation and Energy Efficiency Enhancement of One-Apartment Residential Houses" are published on the Unified Legal Acts Project Portal.

Economics Ministry

Public Relations Department

Page refreshed on 2024-05-21