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Published Tuesday, 02 January 2024The information was translated using the service.
In order to reduce the administrative burden for construction specialists and fragmentation of activities of construction specialists, amendments to the Construction Law were developed and entered into force on 29 May 2023 *, which stipulates that from 1 January 2024 the construction supervision speciality of construction works is added to the speciality of management of construction works. Consequently, in future construction supervision of construction works will be carried out by construction specialists with a certificate for the management of construction works.
Taking into account the abovementioned, we inform that for construction specialists who have certificates of building practice in the management of construction work and supervision of construction work in one field of construction work (for example, a certificate both in the management of construction work of buildings and in the supervision of construction work of buildings), certificates in the supervision of construction work will be cancelled, because in future construction supervision may be performed with a certificate in the management of construction work.
However, for those construction specialists who have an autonomous practice certificate only in the supervision of construction work, competence testing institutions will automatically – without assessment of competence – grant a certificate in the field of operation relevant to the management of construction work speciality. We also indicate that in the time period until the granting of the new certificate, construction specialists with the existing certificate may perform both the management of construction work and supervision of construction work in the relevant field of construction.
At the same time, we indicate that after cancellation of construction supervision certificates, construction specialists will need to re-register as the Building Supervisor BIS in construction matters with their existing or newly granted certificate in the management of construction work.
The competence testing authorities will start the above-mentioned operations with certificates in January 2024. If you have good reasons why it would be necessary to temporarily postpone these operations with certificates, please contact the appropriate competence testing authority. As well as in the case of general issues, please contact the Ministry of Economy or competence testing authorities.