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The request for a cultural monument permit in the BIS

Published Wednesday, 04 September 2024

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Since the end of August this year, several improvements have been available in the Building Information System (hereinafter – BIS) regarding obtaining permits for the transformation of cultural monuments and their protection zones.

By developing a data exchange interface with the National Heritage Board (hereinafter – NKMP), BIS now receives data on objects that are registered as cultural monuments, cultural monument territories, or their protection zones (hereinafter – Cultural Monuments), thereby informing the applicant for a construction project in advance about the need for additional permits.

Depending on the jurisdiction of the cultural heritage object, the permit request in the system will be directed to the NKMP or the responsible municipality.

For the convenience of BIS users, we have prepared process descriptions on using NKMP data in construction processes:

Additionally, there is an informative material (in Latvian) available for municipalities on setting up a feature in the municipal technical regulation issuer profile to allow the receipt of permit requests for cultural monuments under municipal management in the future.

More information about the new functionality is available in the recording of the online BIS training webinar "Current Issues and Updates in BIS" organized by the State Construction Control Bureau on August 23, 2024, which can be found in the BIS webinar archive.

Page refreshed on 2024-09-04