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3 cilvēki un memorands

EU Member States Experts: Energy Efficiency is Well-being in the Long Term

Published Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Last week in Jūrmala, experts from EU member states, the European Commission, and Latvia gathered to discuss issues related to housing accessibility, sustainability, and the financing of energy efficiency measures, as well as innovation and well-being.

Opening the forum "The Future of Smart, Energy-Efficient, and Affordable Housing," Andris Kužnieks, Deputy Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia, acknowledged that the event is taking place at a critical moment as the new European Commission begins its work. Moreover, for the first time, the European Commission will have a new commissioner position dedicated specifically to housing and energy issues. “Accessible housing is not only a problem for Latvia but for the whole of Europe, as there is a certain housing crisis in various aspects throughout the European Union, hindering both socio-economic and labor market development,” emphasized Kužnieks.

Meanwhile, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics, Edmunds Valantis, noted: “It is essential for Latvia to improve the residential housing stock, make housing more accessible for our residents, and create a sustainable environment for business development. In the coming years, Europe aims to achieve, in our view, very ambitious goals in the housing sector – there will be a need to reduce the average energy consumption in residential buildings, to develop the installation of solar panels in the residential building sector, and to create a zero-emission building fund. Therefore, we are offering significant support for the implementation of energy efficiency measures for both businesses and residents.”

Baiba Miltoviča, President of the Transport, Energy, Infrastructure, and Information Society Section of the European Economic and Social Committee (hereinafter - the Committee), also acknowledged at the event that the issue of housing accessibility across Europe, especially after the energy crisis, has become more acute. “To gradually improve the situation in the housing sector in the region, a systematic approach to housing renovation is needed, considering neighborhood renovation. At the same time, cooperation at the municipal level is essential, providing support to residents for housing renovation,” stated Miltoviča.

Discussing the more effective implementation of energy efficiency measures, participants acknowledged that closer integration of support measures and free market instruments is needed to expand the supply segment. Simultaneously, greater efficiency could be achieved through centralized public and stakeholder awareness and educational activities, creating a one-stop agency to ensure coordinated measures. Participants also acknowledged that the availability of private capital and private funding initiatives is crucial for the implementation of energy efficiency measures.

Discussions also covered the issue of data availability on energy efficiency. The most important aspect for anyone wishing to implement energy efficiency measures is to conduct thorough initial research and calculations to understand the scope of the necessary work and the corresponding resources.

Participants also discussed well-being issues, recognizing that energy efficiency contributes to long-term well-being. It not only provides an opportunity to save money but also fosters a sense of belonging, improves communication, organizes the environment we live in, and enhances psycho-emotional well-being. Speaking about well-being elements in building renovation and energy efficiency, it must be acknowledged that many still skimp on quality ventilation, which is not acceptable when considering the long-term environmental impact.

During the event, new cooperation partners – the Latvian Consumer Protection Association and the Latvian Construction Entrepreneurs Association – joined the Cooperation Memorandum “Live Warmer” of the Ministry of Economics, public administration institutions, NGOs, state enterprises, and joint-stock companies, agreeing on joint collaboration to achieve sustainable development and energy efficiency goals in the fields of energy, construction, and housing accessibility, promoting the growth of the Latvian economy and the well-being of every resident. More information about the Memorandum can be found on the Ministry of Economics website.

As previously informed, for the second time, the Ministry of Economics, in cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee's Transport, Energy, Infrastructure, and Information Society Section, organized a discussion aimed at drawing attention to housing accessibility, financing, innovations, and quality of life in housing. The recording of the forum “The Future of Smart, Energy-Efficient, and Affordable Housing” and the presentations shown at the event can be viewed on the Ministry of Economics website.

Ministry of Economics

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