BIS darbība

LVRTC 27.aprīlī paredzēta eParaksta sistēmu migrācija uz jaunu tehnoloģisko platformu; detalizētāk

Jaunas būvniecības uzsākšana
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Pilnvara, deleģējums (Power of attorney, Delegation)

Types of authorisation available on the Building Information System (BIS)

  1. Power of attorney – generated by a natural/legal person for another natural/legal person to carry out specific activities on the BIS
  2. Sub-authorisation – generated on the basis of an already obtained power of attorney with the purpose of transferring powers to another natural/legal person

!!! Sub-authorisation is possible if the rights “Can be transferred” have been marked in the power of attorney obtained.

  1. Delegation – by which a legal person delegates a task to employees of an organisation

! Delegation can only be generated from the profile of a legal person.

Generating a power of attorney

  1. After signing in the BIS, go to the authorisation section “Pilnvarošanas sadaļa”














Image 1. Selection of the authorisation section on the BIS

  1. Select “Jauna pilnvara” (New power of attorney)













Image 2. Generating a new power of attorney

  1. Fill out the required sections marking one of the options offered:

3.1. Authorised person (Pilnvarotā persona):

- Certified specialist (Sertificēts būvspeciālists)

- Construction merchant (Būvkomersants)

- Legal person (Juridiska persona)

- Natural person (Fiziska persona)

3.2. Period of validity (Derīguma termiņš):

- Indefinite (Beztermiņa)

- Date (Datums)

- Stage (Stadija) (provide access only to a specific stage/stages, for example, access to construction works stage)

















Image 3. Type of the authorised person and period of validity of the power of attorney

  1. Construction cases (if no construction cases are indicated, the authorised person will see all construction cases available in your profile)

5. Rights (Tiesības):

- View data sets (Datu kopas skatīšanās)

- Prepare documents (Dokumentu sagatavošana)

- Approve documents (Dokumentu apstiprināšana)

- Request technical regulations (Tehnisko noteikumu pieprasīšana)

- Request coordination (Saskaņojuma pieprasīšana)

- Represent a person as an initiator (Pārstāvēt personu kā ierosinātāju)

- Request opinions (Atzinumu pieprasīšana)





















Image 4. Construction cases and marking the rights granted


!!! A power of attorney is valid as soon as its status becomes active (“Aktīvs”)